Country Roads Blog
Five Most Common Knee Injuries And How To Avoid Them
Knee injuries are among the most common types of injuries that people experience. They can be caused by a variety of factors, such as overuse, improper technique, or sudden impact. In this blog, we...
What To Expect In PT After A Knee Replacement
If you have severe knee pain caused by a fracture, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, or other bone diseases, your physician may suggest a total knee replacement. The surgical procedure will...
What To Expect In PT After A Hip Replacement
While hip replacements are a major operation, they are considered one of the most successful surgeries in modern medicine. More than 95% of people experience relief after replacement. However, your...
How Can Balance Therapy Help Me?
While losing your balance from time to time is normal for anyone, you may be suffering from an issue related to the vestibular system or another balance-related condition if you find that you lose...
What Is W Sitting And How Physical Therapy Combats It
What is W Sitting, and What is the Problem With It? W sitting is when a child sits with their knees rotated inward and feet positioned outside of their hips. When looking down from above, their legs...
Three Ways Physical Therapy Can Help Treat TMJ
Have you ever heard of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ)? If you’ve never had any pain in your TMJ, chances are you’ve never given much thought to how to take care of it. However, if you’re someone...
Pain While Traveling
Summertime is the dawn of vacations, plane rides, and road trips. Do you experience pain while traveling? Well, you’re not alone. Read on to learn about taking care of your body during the traveling...
How Can Physical Therapy Help With TMD Pain?
Have you ever heard of Temporomandibular Joint Disorder? If so, it’s likely that you have in terms of orthodontic or dental medicine. What if we told you that physical therapy could help mitigate...
Three Common Overuse Injuries in Young Athletes and How to Avoid Them
Some kids live, eat, and breathe sports. They wake up early to stretch, go to school, and head for practice or weight training in the evening to continue sharpening their craft. Sadly, this kind of...
How Can Physical Therapy Help You Maintain Your Health?
Winter is on its way out. Spring is on its way in. Know what that means? Cleaning, cleaning, cleaning. Once the temperature gets above 50 degrees, West Virginians are ready to return to their...
Making Waves – Aquatic Therapy And Its Benefits
Who doesn’t love swimming? Well, what if you could swim as part of your therapy treatment? Aquatic therapy is a helpful muscle relaxant and can relieve stress on joints, helping patients to relax...
What is Pediatric Physical Therapy and How Does it Help?
Physical therapy is often associated with the elderly, adults, and athletes recovering from an injury. Did you know that children, even infants, require physical therapy treatment? For a child...
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