How Can Physical Therapy Help You Maintain Your Health?

How Can Physical Therapy Help You Maintain Your Health?

Winter is on its way out. Spring is on its way in. Know what that means? Cleaning, cleaning, cleaning.  Once the temperature gets above 50 degrees, West Virginians are ready to return to their regularly scheduled activities like spring cleaning, walking, golfing,...
Making Waves – Aquatic Therapy And Its Benefits

Making Waves – Aquatic Therapy And Its Benefits

Who doesn’t love swimming? Well, what if you could swim as part of your therapy treatment? Aquatic therapy is a helpful muscle relaxant and can relieve stress on joints, helping patients to relax and recover faster. If conventional forms of therapy and stretching have...
What is Pediatric Physical Therapy and How Does it Help?

What is Pediatric Physical Therapy and How Does it Help?

Physical therapy is often associated with the elderly, adults, and athletes recovering from an injury. Did you know that children, even infants, require physical therapy treatment? For a child suffering from physical disability or developmental delays, it’s almost...
Five Benefits of Balance Therapy

Five Benefits of Balance Therapy

Do you often fall, slip, or lose your balance in public? Whether it be on the ice in Winter, playing basketball on the local club team, or doing simple tasks like leaning over to pick up something off the floor, imbalance issues and dizziness affected 15% of American...