While losing your balance from time to time is normal for anyone, you may be suffering from an issue related to the vestibular system or another balance-related condition if you find that you lose your balance abnormally often. Physicians and Physical Therapists often...
What is W Sitting, and What is the Problem With It? W sitting is when a child sits with their knees rotated inward and feet positioned outside of their hips. When looking down from above, their legs appear to make the shape of a W. Although the position may be...
Have you ever heard of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ)? If you’ve never had any pain in your TMJ, chances are you’ve never given much thought to how to take care of it. However, if you’re someone with pain in your TMJ, you’re probably curious as to what you can do...
Summertime is the dawn of vacations, plane rides, and road trips. Do you experience pain while traveling? Well, you’re not alone. Read on to learn about taking care of your body during the traveling months of summer. Why Do Injuries Occur While Traveling? The most...
Have you ever heard of Temporomandibular Joint Disorder? If so, it’s likely that you have in terms of orthodontic or dental medicine. What if we told you that physical therapy could help mitigate the pain you feel as a result of TMD? Good news––We can! Read on to...